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5 Simple tips to make your old home feel new again!

Posted on March 25th 2014

  1) Don’t underestimate the power of a paint job! You will surprised how different your room looks and feels with a new coat of paint, whether it’s a crisp white or a muted grey. Your walls will look cleaner and your house will have that new house smell. The same goes for the exterior! If […]

Planing the perfect kitchen..!

Posted on February 18th 2014

  For those of you who are lucky enough to be building a new  home, or even doing a major reno, lets talk kitchen planning…! If you’re an avid follower of Smart Homes, you will know we are big fans of the perfect kitchen. We are on the endless hunt to show you the best […]

Teaming up with Empire Lane Design…

Posted on February 11th 2014

Some of you may have heard of Empire Lane Design, for those of you who haven’t… Keep reading! Around 6 months ago Smart Homes teamed up with Nicole Chapman, Principle Designer and Founder of Empire Lane Design. Why? Because Smart Homes are passionate about every aspect of a home, not just the build, but the […]