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First Home Buyers – Read Me!

Posted on March 31st 2014

For first home buyers in 2014, things have changed in the way of grants benefits and bonuses. Its important to do your research before taking that leap and buying/building your first home, to really know what you are entitled to. Follow this link to find out exactly what funding or grants you could receive depending […]

Choosing the right agent to sell your home.

Posted on March 19th 2014

Choosing and agent to sell your home shouldn’t be a decision made lightly. The right choice could see you with thousands more in your pocket… And the wrong choice, well thousands less! So what to look for?! Below is a few handy tips when looking for the right agent. Local knowledge is paramount! Just because […]

Choosing your tiles…!

Posted on March 12th 2014

Tiles… An essential in any home. If you think about it, tiles are or can be used in 80% of the rooms in your home. From the entrance floor to the kitchen, the bathroom to the laundry. They’re on your walls, on the floors and even on your roof… (Stretching that a little, but they […]

Maximise the potential in your current home!

Posted on February 24th 2014

So you’ve made the decision to build a new home!? Now to get the best possible sale price for your current home to make the transition as easy as possible. Most people under estimate the importance of preparing their property to hit the Real Estate Market. It’s not about wiping down the bench, putting away […]

Simple styling tips for the home.

Posted on January 27th 2014

Most weeks on the Smarthomes Blog, we focus on the construction/planning of a home. Sharing ideas and tips to help build your dream home. This week we’re taking a different path and focusing on the post build…. And how to style and furnish your home, to get that designer look! Of course, the style of your […]

Get Inspired for the New Year!

Posted on January 4th 2014

It’s 2014! Today’s blog isn’t an informative read… it’s an inspiration re-cap! 2013 was a great year and we want to celebrate that! Below is a collaboration of our most popular posts in 2013. Get inspired, get excited and make your dream home happen in 2014! To all our Smart Homes fans and their families, […]